Maybe it’s about the Process?

By the time you will finish reading this blog post, you will have an understanding of Process vs Outcome mindset. I will share a real life example so that you will know what this is all about. Set Goals, have a plan to achieve them, follow the steps and you are all set! I am... Continue Reading →

The Passenger

Imagine this. You are sitting in the passenger seat in a car and you are crying because the driver is driving carelessly and you are scared that he / she might hurt someone on the road. Few minutes later, you start screaming and shouting because driver is not listening and even other people on road... Continue Reading →

The Void.

Hey there! There is one pattern that I have observed in this life and I am going to share the same with two scenarios. We work overtime on weekdays and also login on weekends when our organization wants us to. Not only because our firm wants us to but also because we get so involved... Continue Reading →

2021 : Year in Review

What did you accomplish this year? Well Well The fact that you are reading this post means you survived the second wave / delta variant and whatnot! That is the biggest achievement this year, for all of us. Oh and if you got a promotion at work or switched jobs, traveled to new places, made... Continue Reading →

The Sign of Growth

Okay so. 1) Why did you quit your last job? 2) What made you cut off certain people from your life? 3) Why did you move out of your hometown? Oh! I am not taking your interview here. I just wanted to make you realize that for every decision you have taken so far, there... Continue Reading →

Content vs Satisfaction

Are you satisfied with your job? Do you feel content with it? Am I asking two different questions? While there is a lot of stuff on internet already about these two commonly and interchangeably used terms, I feel there is a little difference when it comes to their meaning. Not going to quote some standard... Continue Reading →

The Magic Trick

By the time you will finish reading this not-so-long blog post, I hope you will have learnt a very remarkable way / method / technique aka "The Magic Trick" which can help you deal with intense negative emotions in a much better way. I am also writing this from my own experience. So yeah, Tested... Continue Reading →

2020 : Year in Review

And just like that, 2020 is about to end. One year back, we all were making plans and resolutions for 2020. I am not sure if any of us were able to fulfil those. While it may look like that no big feat was achieved this year but if you think for a sec, the... Continue Reading →

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